
Monday, February 04, 2013

Obama Skeet Shooting With Scissors- Joke of the day

I'm sure by now everyone has seen the photo that the White House finally posted on Flickr showing Barack Obama with a skeet shooting rifle, although it took forever and doesn't really address the fact he claimed he does it all the time.  And we all know that Janet Napolitano has recommended fighting back 'active shooters' with a good 'ole pair of scissors.

But you might not have seen the following very cleverly photoshopped photo of Obama scissor shooting:

There are those, however,  who believe that the 'real' photo of Obama with a gun is also photoshopped. Who knows. Since it took so long to come up with the photo I would venture to say it was probably somehow staged and/or manipulated. And here's a capture of another obviously photoshopped pic posted on Twitter by leftist New Republic (that they removed) when everyone realized it was a photo of Obama in a golf pose with a gun photoshopped in.

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